Tinge + Co. by Crayola

About This Project

In the beginning of this fall semester, my professor connected my class with Crayola to complete our first client project. The prompt was to create a product for Crayola fifty years in the future. With this prompt and a collaboration between myself and Alyssa Lambert, Tinge + Co. by Crayola was born!

Tinge + Co. is a revolutionary collaboration with Crayola. These shirts are designed to change any color imaginable when placed into its box. With the touch of a button and the flash of a light, your Tinge + Co. product is transformed instantly.

This project was the first place winner in our class contest with Crayola. My partner Alyssa Lambert and I created several deliverables. Of these including shirts, tags, packaging, a 3D printed model of the box, and an app. This app connects the shirt to the user in a new way, and serves as a color guide, social media, instant messenger, and much more.
